

Our Webinars category is your gateway to a world of knowledge, where we offer a wide range of interactive sessions on diverse topics. Join us to access insights, expertise, and engage with industry leaders, experts, and a like-minded community. Elevate your understanding and connect with others who share your passion for learning and growth.

Differentiate Vodia with PromptVoice's Innovative AI Voicing Solution | Webinar Available On-Demand

Teaming up with PromptVoice, Vodia resellers can easily deploy auto-attendant, in-queue, and on-hold audio solutions at scale, opening doors to new, profitable, and recurring earnings. The on-demand recording of the Vodia-PromptVoice webinar from June 20, 2023, "Differentiate Vodia with PromptVoice’s Innovative AI Voicing Solution" explains how MSPs can provide potent Customer Experience (CX) tools through the Vodia PBX.

August 30, 2023

Vodia Announces Webinar with PromptVoice

“At Vodia we’re all about innovation, and this includes the companies with whom we partner,” said Eric Altman, Vodia Sales Engineer. “2023 is the embarkation point for a massive sea change in tech and CX, with the eruption of ChatGPT and other AI deployments, and PromptVoice is at the vanguard...We hope all of our resellers will join us for this webinar and, hopefully, discover a new way to drive increased revenue during the second half of 2023.”

June 8, 2023

Derniers articles

Vodia: Optimizing Enterprise VoIP

At Vodia, we recognize the inherent challenges facing enterprise VoIP, particularly in maintaining high-quality audio connections amidst factors like jitter, network latency, and packet loss. These issues disrupt the seamless communication experience essential for business operations. To address these challenges, we've developed innovative solutions within our PBX, such as recording decrypted RTP packets and offering flexible options for data privacy. Our commitment lies in resolving these obstacles efficiently, ensuring businesses can rely on uninterrupted communication without compromising on security or performance.

May 15, 2024

Vodia Adds Value for Internet and Telecommunications Service Providers

How are Vodia's service provider partners gaining an edge in the competitive telecommunications market? By leveraging the innovative capabilities of Vodia, they're able to expand their market share, offer a diverse range of services and streamline their operations. As the telecommunications landscape evolves, service providers must adapt to meet the changing needs of their customers. With Vodia's robust architecture and minimal hardware requirements, service providers can ensure reliability, scalability, security and cost-effectiveness.

April 23, 2024

Significant Growth in Global UC&C and CPaaS Markets

In late September 2023, IDC reported significant growth in the global Unified Communications & Collaboration (UC&C) and Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) markets. UC&C encompasses solutions like Audio Conferencing, Desktop Sharing, Instant Messaging, IP Telephony, Video Conferencing, Voice, and Web Conferencing. Vodia's communication system seamlessly integrates many UC&C functionalities, enhancing collaboration, flexibility, and productivity for businesses. As a CPaaS provider, Vodia offers developers a cloud platform to add real-time communications features to their applications effortlessly.

April 16, 2024